How to Buy Home and When is the Best Time? The time is NOW!
The Summer slowdown is now upon us! Every year buyers tend to cool off during the Summer months and the market slows a bit. Homes are for sale longer and buyers tend to have a little bit more of the upper hand. Don’t get me wrong, homes are selling but the crazy bidding wars from the Spring market have calmed down. With a decrease in buyer activity you have less competition, now really is the perfect time to buy!
Historically September (after Labor Day) until the first part of November tends to be one of the busiest buying seasons. Prices spike, bidding wars come back, and good luck negotiating any sort of deal or concession. Now is the time to buy if you are able!
But what is interesting about this time of year is watching the spikes in website and social traffic on our listings. It’s almost like people are on vacation checking out homes poolside and researching for their next move. If this is you and you are waiting until after the Summer to “get serious” about buying your first home, selling and upsizing to a new home, or maybe downsizing to a smaller home, please remember that the Summer slowdown is an opportunity to get into something before the Fall frenzy!
I know Summer is a busy time, especially if you have kids, but if you are serious about saving some money and having a less stressful experience, you should really consider moving up your buying timeline. Our expert buyer’s agents are ready to help you navigate the process and help you get started. The first step is a casual conversation about your goals and where to begin.
Learn more about Colleen, Melissa, and Karen, the dedicated team of buyer’s agents on the Rosie Rourke Team here: www.rosierourke.com/buying