Should I sell my house now? YES!
The latest Market Insights Report is in... but what does it mean? It means that inventory (homes for sale in our area of Kent, Renton, Fairwood, Maple Valley, etc) are at historically LOW levels! This was a trend before #COVID19, there are just not enough homes for sale right now. Combine this with a historically high number of qualified home buyers literally waiting for something to hit the market in their price range and desired area. This combination is what is contributing to our ??? real estate market in South King Country! Here is what you need to do next... ⬇️
✔️Step One: See how many buyers have a home like yours in their search criteria RIGHT NOW here: www.rosierourke.com/buyernow
✔️Step Two: Check out the 5 reasons you should consider SELLING NOW here: www.rosierourke.com/sellnow
✔️Step Three: The last step is to reach out to an experienced real estate team that knows the market, is local, and has the experience to not only give you a stress free real estate experience but also navigate you through these unprecedented times! Team leader Rosie Johnson Rourke is celebrating 25 years in real estate this fall with an additional 20+ years of experience from the rest of the #rosierourketeam! Learn more about selling during COVID-19 here: www.rosierourke.com/spring
?OR... just cut to the chase, have a no pressure conversation with Rosie directly about your options, your concerns & your goals by calling/texting 206.719.5870